We are serving as European 3Rs platform by offering expertise and networking.

We support educational programs in close cooperation with NGOs, regulators, research institutions and industry to improve and implement humane experimental techniques as well as advanced in silico and in vitro methods.

The 3Rs-Principles were developed by William Russell and Rex Burch and published in 1959.

In their ground-breaking book “The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique”, they proposed to refine the experiments, to reduce the number and the suffering of the used experimental animals, and finally to fully replace them by advanced non-animal technologies.

We encourage

… the dissemination of information on novel approach methodologies as complemental or alternative methods to animal testing.

We advocate

… for the promotion of the use of non-animal tests in the area of education and continuing education.

We promote

… research to develop and validate 3Rs methods to replace, reduce and refine animal tests.

Our activities focus on all areas in the life sciences, which are relying on the use of experimental animals.

This includes the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industry, regulatory and basic sciences. To achieve these goals we are hosting the annual European 3Rs congress at the University of Linz/Austria, which was started by local animal welfare groups in 1991.

Who we are

We are scientists, physicians, veterinerianes and educators with decades of experience and a common goal.

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